Seize the Day! Assange didn’t

Contrary to popular belief Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder and fugitive, did not challenge “the system” US gov’t authority. He suckerpunched them, and then….When his moment had come!!…..he failed to seize the day and ran away from them.  Then he inexplicably sentenced himself to years of confinement in the embassy and ruined his health.  If Assange …


  In these nearly five years of Trumphell I have been wrong about only one thing. It was a glaring miscalculation that still confounds me to this day. I said in early 2016 that “the Christians will never be enthusiastic for Trump and their turn-out will be low especially if it rains.”Lol! Boy was I …

Wall Street, Enemy of the People, won in 2016.

Americans are obsessed with war; War on Drugs, War on Christmas, Lobster Wars, Trade Wars, War on Corona, Storage Wars, War on Terrorism, War on Communism, Iraq War, War on Racism, Afghanistan War… But they missed the big one: The Class War. That’s the war between the 1%er Wall St wealthy and the rest of us. …

You’re Something Else

  I wrote this song for the wedding of my good friends Scott & Nancy Monette’s daughter, 20+ yrs & counting. Scott happens to be the guitars/bass player on the record, with Mark Jennings on drums. The video is a tribute to the longest lasting marriages on Earth. This couple married 80yrs.

Racism & Illiteracy in America

The problem is not Racism. The problem is…. Discrimination. It would really help if Americans, white, black, liberal, gay, Asian, conservative, man, woman and child weren’t illiterate. “discriminate verb 1. To make an unjust or prejudicial distinction in the treatment of other people, especially on the grounds of race, sex or religion.” (Sometimes all three …

A True Tale of Hollywood

She’s not in Kansas Anymore. Hollywood has a wonderful Americana history of real life rags-to-riches fame and fortune. Hollywood movies too are mostly fantasies of the triumphant underdog. But there’s another story about Hollywood, with a different ending, no one makes movies or write books about.    

Muhammad Ali Invented Rap

As an old-school musician I’ve had a hard time accepting Rap as music genre. So with apologies to Run-DMC, I pay tribute, and poke fun at, my hero Muhammad Ali who invented Rap before they were even born. purchase cheap viagra Earlier the only cure for such things was to get operated. All Tongkat …

Protest Song

I wrote a protest song. It’s protests Wall Street, the real Big Brother, mind controlling, spying on everyone. The international Corporate Cartel with an army; the United States armed forces. The song is quite provocative if you consider the love of money over human life. The song has a extraordinary title that caused some concern …

A Rather Frightening Christmas Story

It was Christmastime and I was busking in a bar about 2007. [That’s when you play for food, drinks and tips, sans salary.]  I’ve done that a lot. Its amazing how it works out. Anyways, I’m singing in this pub and among the small crowd was this big burley guy sitting at the bar. I …

We’re All N…..s on Wall Street


We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street


They don’t discriminate, we’re just the human race

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Praise any God you choose, wrap it in Red White and Blue

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Giving a whole new meaning to we’ll take care of you

All men are created equal, Old folks and women too

White trash like you and me, Every kid L-G-B-T

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street


No matter where on Earth you are, From Arizona to Zambia

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Don’t mind if you’re prolife, Or wanna make that man your wife.

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Giving a whole new meaning to being Shanghaied,

All the colors of the rainbow Fade to black and white

Every politician needs their bribes, Every starving baby cries

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street


Rob the rich, go to jail, fight each other at the Walmart sale

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street


You’re not allowed to die, Until they’ve bled you dry,

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Giving a whole new meaning to being free

Selling peace and happiness at the pharmacy

          Every day working hard, Pay the interest on the credit card

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street



Send the poor boy GIs, To steal the oil kill and die

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

The class war is already won They didn’t even need a gun

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Giving a whole new meaning To the American Dream

Litter-ally a plastic world from credit cards to the Christmas tree

They don’t even know our name

We’ve never really been in the game

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street



White war on browns & blacks, The 1%ers pay no tax

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Second amendment gun control, Chasing each other down the rabbit hole

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street

Giving a whole new meaning to the golden rule

If I can take your gold then I’ll do unto you,

If this song gets a million plays, I’ll have enough pone for one more day

We’re all Niggers down on Wall Street