
FLASH NEWS!! We know almost nothing about the Corona virus….. We know of no effective treatment……We know of no prevention/vaccine….We know it ain’t over yet. We know its a killer. And we know little else worth knowing.
What we are seeing is a social media epidemic of people who “know” ; conspiracy theories, idiots, conservative politicians, and even certified doctors…who altogether don’t know any more than me about it. It’s literally unbelievable what I’ve seen theĀ last couple months. And 95% of the discussion is irrelevant to the problem which is, Nobody has the treatment or vaccine.

For example, today Pompeo said he’s seen evidence that it originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. So what if it did? How is that helpful or relevant to anything? What evidence? Like all the other made-for-social-media fake news bullshit coming from him and the Mental-patient-in-Chief it similarly has no basis in fact or truth. Pompeo is telling a lie that can only antagonize China; who might develop a vaccine before anyone else.

I’ve heard every frigging theory, cause, cure prevention blah blah blah! Wash your hands and distance yourself from others; that’s the best we’ve got until further notice from an important doctor who does “know” of what he speaks.

Here’s what we know. In three months, by the latest count 3,800,000 cases+, 270,000+ deaths. I say + because there is no doubt many have sickened and/or died w/o anyone knowing it was Corona. 3.8 million is “reported” in some official form.
We know that 88% of people who require a respirator die.
We know the virus is highly contagious though how high remains something of a mystery because we haven’t tested but a few.
We know how Corona kills people. We know its kills fast.

Here’s one ridiculous myth for example. “The flu is far deadlier than Corona.” In about three months Corona’s “officially” killed about 75,000 Americans. In 6 months Oct-April influenza killed about 21,000 (an unknown number of these were probably Corona which was not being tested for). At this rate Corona is waay deadlier. Do the math. In 1/2 the time it killed approaching 4X as many people. Corona is 8X more virulent than the flu. And of course there is a vaccine and treatment for the flu.
There is no treatment and no vaccine for Corona.

Here’s the thing. A lot of people are blaming others, Democrats, space aliens, Illuminati, Bigfoot, Obama, Jews, media, and of course the Chinese, the CIA, the Russians etc…. And Jesus. 30% of Americans voters blame God cuz they truly believe this is the end of days. The rapture. We’re all gonna die. None of these stories matter. Even if they were all true. They won’t save any lives.
Strange almost nobody, except the medical community (and me?) blames the virus. Why only in America?…..Money.
A lot of Americans value money above lives. That’s a disease worse than Corona.

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